Let’s Work Together

Posted 19th Jun 2014

Every recruiter experiences the emotional ups and downs that come with a new requirement. Hard-nosed we may appear, but sensitive we really are. When the job goes well, we’ve made a huge impact on someone’s life and helped further the development of an organisation. When the job doesn’t go so well, we have the pain of someone’s dashed employment hopes to carry with us and the knowledge that our efforts have been for nothing.

Fallen offers can be the result of a slow recruitment cycle, a poorly managed offer, or one of many factors. Recruiters feel frustration as much as employers do when a candidate has gone by the board. However, all is not lost and simple, effective communication is the real key to securing talent.

Educating clients about market conditions, salary expectations, their competition, why they might be struggling to find the talent they want, are vital to building strong relationships and proving our worth as a recruiter.

Having frank conversations about what’s turning candidates on and off and what companies can do to capture the skills they need, especially when it’s a candidate-driven market, can make the difference between winning and losing a prospective hire. Does your consultant ask “what makes your company attractive to potential employees?”

Employers must remember that recruitment is a two-way street. It’s not only candidates who have to present themselves as attractive propositions, organisations must remember to do the same.
Ibell Recruitment & Staffing is not a recruitment agency, we are a recruitment consultancy. Our value comes from our ability to consult. Honest conversations with clients are essential to us; when was the last time a recruiter was completely honest with you? The recruitment industry is full of “consultants” happy to blow smoke, isn’t it time you heard from a consultancy who’s not afraid to tell you how it is?

Photography courtesy and copyright of Scott Maxwell

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